«A lovely little jewel of a radio»
The above was taken from an ad for this little Sony TR-730 in the Pittsburgh Press dated November 29 1961. The ad goes on to say;
It could well be the worlds smallest but we don’t say for certain…
Only as large as your key case. Yet the sound is amazing…
True, clear, strong. With the fine range of selection resulting
from Sony’s research and development. Gift boxed for
Christmas-giving. Black and gold or bone white and gold colour.
With leather case, battery and earphone.
It sounds like that ad was put through the ‘Japanese to English translator’. The company advertising it was Joseph Horne Co of Pittsburgh.
This Sony TR-730 made the long trip to my collection via the hustle and bustle of post war 1960’s Japan. It crossed the Pacific to the USA in the midst of a cultural revolution! Elvis Presley topped the charts, Alan Shepard became the first American in space, the first African-American was admitted to Mississippi University and John F Kennedy was president!